A collection of good practices “Best ways to create equal opportunities” has been published
How can we incorporate the requirement for gender equality, accessibility and equal treatment into our project in a meaningful and effective way? Apparently, many project teams using structural funds have been contemplating on these issues, both in the preparation of the application and in the implementation of the project. It is often said that one should learn from the mistakes of others, but we offer the opportunity to learn from success.
In order to encourage project implementers to think, in addition to their core activity – be it the provision of labour market services or trainings or the construction of new buildings – that the activities should take into account the needs of people of different genders, nationalities and ages and be accessible, the Equality Competence Center of the European Union Cohesion Policy Funds has assembled the best examples into the collection “Best ways to create equal opportunities. Model examples of projects funded from structural funds in 2014–2020”. The collection contains seven important issues to consider when implementing a project. For example: how to identify what our target group needs? What should be done to make a project accessible to all? How can both men and women be involved in the activities? How to avoid gender stereotypes in the provision of information? In addition to a number of practical examples, the collection contains simple reminders and guidelines that offer ideas and inspiration to all those involved in project applications and implementation.
The collection is complemented by inspiring videos. In the videos, three projects demonstrate how they have managed to achieve their objectives better by thinking their activities through from the perspective of gender equality, accessibility and the involvement of different social groups. Watch the videos with English subtitles here:
- The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications speaks about the solutions that were used to encourage girls to take an interest in ICT professions. Watch video
- The Fat Margaret Museum and Visitor Centre sets an example in ensuring accessibility. Watch video
- The NGO Johannes Mihkelson Centre gives advice on how to consider the varying needs of the target group. Watch video
Haap Consulting OÜ helped collect and write down the good practices, and Loorebased OÜ helped capture them on video. We would like to thank our cooperation partners!